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Les Vertiges du Temps” will be the starting theme for composing a new poetic universe, between Bring's and Lune Bleue.

It will involve reflecting on our own existence, those moments when we look back on a bygone past with melancholy. One can imagine a future, with all the doubts that come with it, but also the passion for continued discovery, for being surprised, and for still believing in a few utopias.

In this ongoing exploration, there are no limits imposed in terms of musical creation or writing. The meeting point is in a shared rhythm, a search for flow and phrasing, serving both text and melody. The real challenge lies in merging these two worlds: Clotilde’s melodic and rhythmic creativity, and Bring's s poetry.


Clotilde Trouillaud (Lever Harp)
Brings (Singing)
Erwan Bérenguer (Electric Guitar)
Jean Marie Stéphant (Drums, pads)
Jérémie Coke (Artistic advisor)

  • Centre Culturel LES ARCS, Quéven (56)

  • SMAC LA CARÈNE, Brest (29)

  • SCIN LA GRANDE BOUTIQUE, Langonnet (56)

  • SMAC L'ECHNONOVA, Vannes (56)

  • Centre Culturel LE GRAND PRÉ, Langueux (22)


Spectacle en cours de création - Soutenu, accueilli et accompagné par :

« Je les vois danser dans le miroir,
Dessiner les contours de mon regard.
Plus aucune trace de mes yeux d’enfant.
Perdu dans les vertiges du temps,
Je n’ai rien vu venir comme souvent,
Et j’ai même tenté de fuir, vers l’avant,
En me racontant de belles histoires,
Les illusions enfantent les plus beaux espoirs. »

BOOKING Contact:

Tangi Jehanno / / (+33)699 680 393

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